Lara is granted as one of the most influential movers and shakers in the housing sector! Congratulations for reaching no. 39.
39. Lara Oyedele
Chair, BMENational/ Chief Executive, Odu-Dua Housing Association
Oyedele, boss of 180-home Odu-Dua, has made a name for herself as chair of BMENational, promoting the role of black and minority ethnic associations. With a background in housing which takes in spells at Bradford Council, the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, Notting Hill Housing Trust and Pinnacle PSG, she has also built a reputation for her social media presence.
“As a speaker at HDN’s 2012 mentoring conference, it was very clear that to virtually everyone in the 100-plus audience she was seen as a really influential role model” Clifton Robinson, chief executive, Housing Diversity Network
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