Voice4Change England are hosting free interactive workshops to explore ethnicity and in-work poverty in London and Greater Manchester
Following on from an earlier series of workshops and intensive case study research across four areas in England and Scotland, these action-oriented workshops will provide delegates with an opportunity to:
Discuss key findings from research commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, including factors which contribute to in-work poverty, & possible routes out of poverty
Consider the implications of the findings for key stakeholders, including employment policies and practices, anti-poverty work and employability initiatives
Facilitate partnership working and capacity building in this area
Lunch and networking
The London workshop will be taking place on:
13 February 2013, 09:45 – 13:30
Toynbee Hall
28 Commercial Street
London E1 6LS
Speakers include:
Stephen Timms – MP Newham & Shadown Minister for Employment Graham Fisher – CEO Toynbee Hall Dr Maria Hudson – Employment and Social Policy Researcher and Analyst & Director of Hudson Research
The Bolton, Manchester workshop will be taking place on:
25 February 2013, 09:15-13:30
The Bolton Hub
Bold Street
Bolton, BL1 1LS
Speakers include:
Kate Green – MP Stretford and Urmston & Shadow Spokesperson for Women and Equality Professsor Jane Wills – Professor of Human Geography, Queen Mary University of London Karen Jochelson – Director of Policy (Employment and the Economy), Equality and Human Rights Commission Dr Maria Hudson – Employment and Social Policy Researcher and Analyst & Director of Hudson Research
We invite employers, trade unions, anti-poverty organisations, government agencies and the voluntary and community sector in these cities to register and take part.
Places for these FREE workshops are limited. Book online using the links provided above, email rushena@voice4change-england.co.uk or Phone 020 7697 4242
These events are FREE and part of a research project commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to examine the relationship between low income households, ethnicity, workplace cultures and social mobility. The research is being carried out by a consortium of researchers led by Dr Maria Hudson and Dr Gina Netto involving Voice4Change England and CEMVO Scotland. For more information about the research, contact Maria Hudson a maria@hudson-research.co.uk

#inworkpoverty #DirectorofPolicyEmploymentandtheEconomy #ToynbeeHall #CEMVO #AnalystampDirectorofHudsonResearch #MPNewhamampShadownMinisterforEmployment #KarenJochelson #QueenMaryUniversityofLondon #antipovertyorganisations #CEOToynbeeHall #Voice4ChangeEngland #antipovertyworkandemployabilityinitiatives #TheBoltonHub #ProfesssorJaneWills #DrGinaNetto #employmentpoliciesandpractices #ProfessorofHumanGeography #equalityandhumanrightscommission #ethnicity #EmploymentandSocialPolicyResearcher #GrahamFisher #MPStretfordandUrmstonampShadowSpokespersonforWomenandEquality #DrMariaHudson #StephenTimms #JosephRowntreeFoundation #KateGreen #tradeunions