The board of management at Aksa Homes has been dismayed by the riots that have taken place in Manchester City centre and has offered their full support to Greater Manchester Police and the City Council for the actions they have had to take.
Aksa Homes will be joining with other housing associations across the city in warning their tenants that they will take robust action against tenants or their families that are proven to have been directly involved in the criminal activity.
Georgia Parker, Chair of Aksa Homes says:
“The majority of our tenants respect our properties and the neighbourhoods in which they live. For those who do not we need to stand firm and send a message out that criminal behaviour will not be tolerated and could put their tenancies at risk if they were involved in the looting and rioting that took place.”
Councillor Andrews, Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services Manchester City Council comments:
“We are very grateful for the strong offers of support we have received from housing providers to work with the Council and the Police to take sanctions against those found to be involved in yesterday’s criminal activity. Those involved need to be aware that the strongest action possible will be taken which could result in the loss of a tenancy. “