Orbit Heart of England has today announced that Midlands Housing Association Nehemiah UCHA will be the new owner and landlord of 98 rented homes and provide estate services for a further 25 freehold properties in the Wolverhampton area.
In July 2010 Orbit Heart of England, which manages 14,000 properties across the Midlands, took the decision to look for a new owner that was geographically better placed to provide a more locally-based service for residents.
Elaine Johnston, Director of Operations for Orbit Heart of England said, “We consulted with our customers and key stakeholders to find out what they wanted from a landlord before going out to tender. It was decided that Nehemiah UCHA, who has over 1000 properties across the West Midlands was the most appropriate landlord due to their strong local presence and we are confident that they will provide a really good, locally-based service.”

Stewart Fergusson, Managing Director of Orbit Heart of England, with Llewellyn Graham MD of Nehemiah UCHA
Llewellyn Graham Chief Executive of Nehemiah UCHA added: “We are delighted to have been chosen by Orbit Heart of England to manage their homes. As a community housing provider we are looking forward to working with local residents to ensure we deliver the homes and services that they want. Wolverhampton is a key area to us and we already manage over 200 properties in the area.
Nehemiah UCHA though is about much more than providing high quality housing. We are committed to supporting all of our residents in maintaining their homes but we are also committed to improving the neighbourhoods in which people live.”
All affected Orbit Heart of England customers have been notified about the decision and have had the opportunity to find out more about Nehemiah UCHA and their services. Completion on the properties took place on Monday 4 April 2011.
This article is reproduced courtesy of 24Dash.com.